CALL US: +1-843-823-7703
Your server is built to your exact specifications, letting you customize its software, hardware, and operating system.
Our Servers are Conntected to the South Eastern Fiber Optic lines, ensuring the fastest speeds on our web, virtual private, and dedicated servers.
Your dedicated web server is all yours, so other users can’t access or compromise your data—perfect for businesses that need to be HIPAA-compliant.
Our Support is friendly and there for whenever you need help with your services, we offer 24/7 Customer Support so contact us at any time.
Our Control Panels are easy to navigate and help setup your website, configure and manage your virtual private, or dedicated server.
* Start with our smallest plans and then upgrade with time.
We tend to provide a service that clients will love. With our powerful servers located in United States of America, the sky is the limit on what you can host.
Our team is full of passionate web hosting experts that know what they're doing. For any issues or questions make sure to contact them, they're friendly :)
" Great prices and an amazing support team, would not choose another. "
" Great uptime so far, have had no issues with them. "
" Unbelieveble speed, my website loads just way too fast! "